Michael Berry

Michael Berry

Michael Berry has drunk homemade moonshine from North Carolina with Robert Earl Keen, met two presidents with the same last name, been cussed at by...Full Bio


California To Hand Out Millions To Illegal Immigrant Owned Businesses

During a press briefing on Friday, Newsom was asked what his administration was doing to provide “relief for undocumented workers.”

Newsome said:(h/t to Grabien for the transcript)

“No state in America does more to help residents regardless of their immigration status and I’m very proud of the work that we did together last year to expand our health care capacity more formally, not on the emergency side, but on the preemptive side, on the side of providing health insurance for those that were uninsured. We’ll continue to do more. And we have very specific processes on every proposal that we advance publicly, we have a culturally component — competent of those proposals, which is a long way of saying this, that we always consider those that are documented, those that are undocumented, those that are living in mixed-status families. Let me give you an example of what I mean. Just yesterday I announced the work we are doing to help support small businesses. I very specifically mentioned in my remarks yesterday that there are many businesses, tens of thousands of businesses that do not and cannot get the support of the SBA. Those individual businesses, we are making available these emergency grants through our IBank to do these microloans to provide access. That’s an example of what we’re doing to provide support for people across the panoply, including those without documentation in the state of California. More will be done and more needs to be done.”

Townhall.com’s Bronson Stocking writes about Newsom’s plan “Tax cheats should start calling their write-offs "undocumented." Do illegal aliens need to file and pay taxes in order to qualify for these small business grants? Can the cartels apply?”

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